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- Microsoft office 2010 tutorial for beginners free


The goal of these instructions is to familiarize the user with the basics of Excel We use a gradebook as an example to help the user visualize how different functions can be used. This tutorial will cover data entry, formatting, formulas and functions, and graphs. Entering data into an Excel spreadsheet is a simple 3-step process: 1. Click on the cell where you want to insert data 2.

Type the data in to the cell 3. As mentioned previously in Step 3, using the mouse is one option when you want to switch which cell you are working with.

But when dealing with a larger amount of data or if you want to be as efficient as possible, manually using the mouse is not the best option. Utilizing the keyboard will help speed up the process of data entry: 1. Press the ENTER key after entering your data to automatically move the active cell highlight down to the next cell in that column 2. Press the TAB key after entering your data to automatically more the active cell highlight over to the next cell in that row 3.

Press any of the four arrow keys to move the active cell highlight to a cell in the direction of the arrow key pressed 4. Press the ESC key to cancel the current data entry. There are two main types of data that people enter into Excel: Text and Numbers. You decide to use an Excel spreadsheet to accomplish this. In cells A1-A16, enter the following text in order starting at the top of the column, moving downward: Student, Heather A.

In cells B1-B16, enter the following text and numbers in order starting at the top of the column, moving downward: Test 1, 81, 55, 35, 87, 76, 78, 90, 67, 70, 92, 84, 80, 72, 81, and In cells C1-C16, enter the following text and numbers in order starting at the top of the column, moving downward: Test 2, 88, 56, 48, 91, 78, 86, 91, 87, 76, 95, 87, 88, 74, 84, and In cells D1-D16, enter the following text and numbers in order starting at the top of the column, moving downward: Test 3, 93, 57, 55, 93, 80, 94, 97, 90, 79, 98, 92, 89, 77, 88 , and Once all the data is entered, your spreadsheet should match the image above.

Formatting Data There are many different options in Microsoft Excel to format numbers, text, and the cells themselves. These instructions will cover some of the more basic and widely-used formatting options available: Changing the Font Font commands will allow you to change the style, size, or color of the text you wish to alter: Style 1. Select the cells you wish to modify.

Click the drop-down arrow next to the FONT command in the upper left corner of the screen 4. Size 1. Under the HOME tab at the top of the page, locate the drop-down arrow next to the font size command 3. Click on the drop-down arrow 4. Scroll over the various font sizes and choose size Color 1. Select the cells you wish to modify -In this case, select cells A1-F1 again. Under the HOME tab at the top of the page, locate the drop-down arrow next to the font color command.

Scroll over the various font colors and click on the desired color. Horizontal 1. Select the cells you wish to modify -In this case, please select all cells. Select the cells you wish to modify 2. Click on the drop-down arrow and select the number format you want some frequently used examples include Currency, Time, Date, Percentage, Fraction, etc.

Returning to our previous example from the instructions regarding data entry, follow these steps to further format the data and text you entered: 1. Use your mouse to highlight all the cells containing text or number data 2. Make sure you click on the box you will see a checkmark appear stating that the table has headers 4. Once you have a column of numbers, there are several different calculations you can do with these. Average and Sum 1. Type in Class Average in cell A17 and change the font color to red.

Select the cell in which you want the average to appear. In this case, B17 3. Click and drag over the cells that you want to be averaged. In this case, B2-B A moving border will appear around all the cells that are going to be averaged. Repeat steps for columns C and D. Change font color of B17, C17, and D17 to red to match A Now you can go back and format the cells to make them currency or to round them to 2 decimal points.

Right click on the cell that has the average in it, as averages typically have many decimal points. Click Format Cells On the left box, select Number 4. On the right side, make sure the box after Decimal Places: says 2.

In order to extend a formula over multiple cells, first type the formula in one cell. In this case, we will put the average in column E. Click and drag to select cells B2 C2 and D2 3. The formula should have extended throughout all of column E to insert the average of each student and the class average.

Select cells E2-E17 and format the cells so that they are rounded to 2 decimal places. Now we will use Excel to help show us which students have passed and which have failed. Select cell F2 2.

The formula should extend throughout column F to complete which students have passed or failed. Now we will use Conditional Formatting to visually highlight who has failed. Click and drag on cell F2 all the way to cell F16 2. Hit OK 5. Now all the Fail grades should be highlighted in red. Scatterplot Graph 1. Highlight data and titles required.

Select Scatter from the Charts section. Click scatterplot type needed 5. After the scatterplot graph shows up, click on the graph and move it to desired place on the spreadsheet. Line Graph 1. Data from Test 1, Test 2, and Test 3 for each student should be highlighted. Select Line from the Charts section. Click which line graph type is needed 5. After the line graph shows up, click on the graph and move it to desired place on the spreadsheet.

Bar Graph 1. Select Bar from the Charts section. Click which bar graph type needed. How to Add Titles: 1. Select a graph by clicking on it. Click on the Layout tab. Click on the Chart Title box. Select which type of title is needed. A text box should appear above the selected graph. Fill in text box with your title -In this case, type in Class Grades as the title.

Axis Titles: 1. Click on Axis Titles box -In this case, the bar graph will be used. A text box should appear next to the Y or X axis of the selected graph 4. Fill in text box with your title -In this case, the title for the X axis will be Grade , and the title for the Y axis will be Class Average. When using Charts or Graphs in Excel, swapping the X and Y axis can drastically change the appearance of the graphs.

The following steps explain how to swap the data : 1. Select which graph you wish to alter. Click on the Design tab. The graph design should change, and the Student Names should now be in the Y-axis, and Test 1, Test 2 and Test 3 should now be along the X-axis.

Question 2 years ago on Introduction. I am updating my Microsoft Office skills. This is a lovely tutorial! Thank you!


Microsoft office 2010 tutorial for beginners free.LEARNING SOFTWARE DOESN’T HAVE TO BE HARD

  1 Getting Started with Word Familiarize yourself with the Word interface. 2 Text Basics Learn how to add, delete, move, cut, copy, and paste text. 3 Formatting Text Learn how to change font size, color, and text alignment. 4 Saving Learn how to use the Save and Save As commands. 5 Modifying Page Layout. Acquire the essential skills needed for producing professional work using Microsoft Access, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, Publisher, and Word in the Office suite. Free Office Tutorials at GCFGlobal. Opening Microsoft Word: Before you get started with Microsoft Word (commonly referred to as MS Word), you will need to locate and open it on the computer. It may be on your desktop. From the computer desktop: 1. Double-click on the MS Word icon Go to the Start Menu if the MS Word icon is not on the desktop: 1. Click Start Programs Microsoft Word*File Size: KB.    


- Microsoft office 2010 tutorial for beginners free

    ESSENTIAL Microsoft Office Tutorials for Teachers Copyright © Bernard John Poole, All rights reserved x MAKING A BACKUP COPY OF YOUR DOCUMENTS.. It's free to register here toget Microsoft Access Exercises For Beginners Book file PDF. file Microsoft Access Exercises For Beginners Book Free Download PDF at Our eBook Library. This Book have some digitalformats such us: kindle, epub, ebook, paperbook, and another formats. Here is The Complete PDF Library. Lesson 1: Introduction to Word 7 If this is not the case, from the File menu select New and double click on Blank document (Fig. ) Fig. The Office New Document window Now take a moment to look at each of the Ribbons for Office Word — the Home Ribbon, the Insert Ribbon, the Page Layout Ribbon, the References Ribbon, the Mailings Ribbon, the .


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